Kubernetes, StackStorm and third party resources – Part 2

Alright, finally ready to talk about some StackStorm in depth. In the first part of this post I discussed some depth around Kubernetes Thirdpartyresource and how excited we are to use them. If you haven’t read it I would go back and start there. I however breezed over the Event Drive Automation piece (IFTTT) involving StackStorm. I did this for two reasons: 1) I was terribly embarrassed by the code I had written and 2) It wasn’t anywhere near where it should be in order for people to play with it.

Now that we have a submittal to StackStorm st2contrib, I’m going to open this up to others. Granted its not in its final form. In fact there is a TON left to do but its working and we decided to get the community involved should you be interested.

But first lets answer the question that is probably weighing on many peoples mind. Why StackStorm? There are many other event driven automation systems. The quick answer is they quite simply won us over. But because I like bullet points. Here are a few:

  1. None of the competition were in a position to work with, support or develop a community around IFTTT integration with Kubernetes.
  2. StackStorm is an open frame work that you and I can contribute back to.
  3. Its built on OpenStack’s Mistral Workflow engine so while this is a startup like company, the foundation of what they are doing has been around for quite some time.
  4. Stable
  5. Open Source code base. (caveat: there are some components that are enterprise add-ons that are not)
  6. Damn their support is good. Let me just say, we are NOT enterprise customers of StackStorm and I personally haven’t had better support in my entire career. Their community slack channel is awesome. Their people are awesome. Major props on this. At risk of being accused of getting a kick-back, I’m a groupie, a fanboy. If leadership changes this (I’m looking at you Mr. Powell), I’m leaving. This is by far and away their single greatest asset. Don’t get me wrong, the tech is amazing but the people got us hooked.

For the record, I have zero affiliation with StackStorm. I just think they have something great going on.


As I mentioned in the first post, our first goal was to automate deployment of AWS RDS databases from the Kubernetes framework. We wanted to accomplish this because then we could provide a seamless way for our dev teams to deploy their own database with a Kubernetes config based on thirdpartyresource (currently in beta).

Here is a diagram of the magic:

Screen Shot 2016-02-13 at 5.48.07 PM

Alright here is what’s happening.

  1. We have a StackStorm Sensor watching the Kubernetes API endpoint at /apis/extensions/v1beta1/watch/thirdpartyresources for events. thirdpartyresource.py
  2. When a new event happens, the sensor picks it up and kicks off a trigger. Think of a trigger like a broadcast message within StackStorm.
  3. Rules listen to trigger types that I think of as channels. Kind of like a channel on the telly. A rule based on some criteria, decides whether or not to act on any given event. It either chooses to drop the event or to take action on it. rds_create_db.yaml
  4. An action-chain then performs a series of actions. Those actions can either fail or succeed and additional actions happen based on the result of the last. db_create_chain.yaml
    1. db_rds_spec munges the data of the event. Turns it into usable information.
    2. from there rds_create_database reaches out to AWS and creates an RDS database.
    3. And finally configuration information and secrets are passed back to Consul and Vault for use by the application(s) within Kubernetes. Notice how the action for Vault and Consul are grey. Its because its not done yet. We are working on it this sprint.

Link to the StackStorm Kubernetes Pack. Take a look at the Readme for information on how to get started.

Obviously this is just a start. We’ve literally just done one thing in creating a database but the possibilities are endless for integrations with Kubernetes.

I mentioned earlier the StackStorm guys are great. And I want to call a couple of them out. Manas Kelshikar, Lakshmi Kannan and Patrick Hoolboom. There are several others that have helped along the way but these three helped get this initial pack together.

The initial pack has been submitted as a pull request to StackStorm for acceptance into st2contrib. Once the pull request has been accepted to st2contrib, I would love it if more people in the Kubernetes community got involved and started contributing as well.




Kubernetes deployment resource – Blue/Green deploys for everyone

Wait, what? Doesn’t everyone have this already? While various deployment methodologies including blue/green, A/B, Canary etc etc are fairly prevalent outside of containers, its been quite a different story in the container world and in particular Kubernetes. Now before you go all crazy on me. I’m not saying there aren’t ways by which to do this, there are tons of them but none of them I could consider elegant. We in fact use a combination of multiple replication controllers with labels and updates to the Kubernetes service to accomplish this.

Unless of course you are on OpenShift. In which case you have had these capabilities built-in for a little while now. Props to the OpenShift team.

I’ve also seen some very creative ways of accomplishing blue/green deploys from the guys at Citrix and Zcentric.

But as with many things in Kubernetes, Blue/Green deploys just got the easy button.

Enter Kubernetes Deployment Resource which is currently in v1beta and is better describe as a DeploymentController.

Screen Shot 2016-02-12 at 1.27.19 PM


Depending on your deployment strategy the actual process differs.

Currently there are two options:

Recreate: Destroy the existing RC(s) and replace with a new one.

RollingUpgrade: Launch New RC(s) along side the existing ones. Ramp up the new and ramp down the old.


So how does this work? I’m going to try and give the short version without over simplifying to much.

1) The DeploymentController initiates a search for ReplicationControllers using labelSelector:myapp

2) Add a unique label to every RC and Pod based on the PodTemplateSpec which is guaranteed to be unique per version of app being deployed. label: deployment.kubernetes.io/uniqueHashperPodTemplateSpec. So basically the RC and its respective pods will have a label by which the DeploymentController can identify them. The existing RC will get updated with the label (if using RollingUpgrade Strategy), the new RC will automatically be deployed with it. The ReplicationControllers also get an updated labelSelector: so they rely on this label to determine state of the pods.

3) DeploymentController will use these hashes to determine which to ramp up and which to ramp down.

All in all, an excellent way of performing deployments in the future. Until that day comes, we’ll be stuck with our hacks. But awesome to know I won’t have to manage it relatively soon.

Also in the future, alternate deployment strategies and desirable options will be included like A/B deploys, Canary deploys and automated Rollback in case of failure.

For considerably more information on the topic you can go here.

Kubernetes, StackStorm and third party resources

WARNING!!! Beta – Not yet for production.

You might be thinking right now, third party resources? Seriously? With all the amazing stuff going on right now around Kubernetes and you want to talk about that thing at the bottom of the list. Well keep reading, hopefully by the end of this, you too will see the light.

Remember last week when I talked about future projects in my Python Client For Kubernetes blog? Well here it is. One key piece of our infrastructure is quickly becoming StackStorm.

What’s StackStorm you might ask? StackStorm is an open source event driven automation system which hailed originally from OpenStack’s Mistral workflow project. In fact, some of its libraries are from mistral but its no longer directly tied to OpenStack. Its a standalone setup that rocks. As of the time of this writing, StackStorm isn’t really container friendly but they are working to remediate this and I expect a beta to be out in the near future. Come on guys, hook a brother up.

For more information on StackStorm – go here.

I’ll be the first to admit, there documentation took me a little while to grok. Too many big words and not enough pics to describe what’s going on. But once I got it, nothing short of meeting Einstein could have stopped my brain from looping through all the possibilities.

Lets say, we want to manage an RDS database from Kubernetes. We should be able to create, destroy, configure it in conjunction with the application we are running and even more importantly, it must be a fully automated process.

So what’s it take to accomplish something like this? Well in our minds we needed a way to present objects externally i.e. third party resources and we need some type of automation that can watch those events and act on them ala StackStorm.

Here is a diagram of our intentions: We have couple loose ends to complete but soon we’ll be capable of performing this workflow for any custom resource. Database just happens to be the first requirement we had that fit the bill.

Screen Shot 2016-02-05 at 8.24.51 PM

In the diagram above we are perform 6 basic actions.

– Input thirdpartyresource to Kubernetes

– StackStorm watches for resources created, deleted OR modifed

– If trigger – makes call to AWS API to execute an event

– Receives back information

– On creation or deletion, adds or remove necessary information from Vault and Consul


Alright from the top, what is a third party resource exactly? Well its our very own custom resource. Kind of like a pod, endpoint or replication controller are API resources but now we get our own.

Third Party Resources immediately stood out to us because we now have the opportunity to take advantage of all the built-in things Kubernetes provides like metadata, labels, annotations, versioning, api watches etc etc while having the flexibility to define what we want in a resource. What’s more, third party resources can be grouped or nested.

Here is a an example of a third party resource:

  name: mysql-db.prsn.io
    resource: database
    object: mysql
apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1
kind: ThirdPartyResource
description: "A specification of database for mysql"
  - name: stable/v1

This looks relatively normal with one major exception. The metadata.name = mysql-db.prsn.io. I’ve no idea why but you must have a fully qualified domain in the name in order for everything to work properly. The other oddity is the “-“. It must be there and you must have one. Something to do with <CamelCaseKind>.

Doing this creates


By creating the resource above, we have essentially created our very own api endpoint by which to get all resources of this type. This is awesome because now we can create mysql resources and watch them under one api endpoint for consumption by StackStorm.

Now imagine applying a workflow like this to ANYTHING you can wrap your head around. Cool huh?

Remember this is beta and creating resources under the thirdpartyresource (in this case mysqls) requires a little curl at this time.

   "metadata": {
     "name": "my-new-mysql-db"
   "apiVersion": "prsn.io/stable/v1",
   "kind": "MysqlDb",
   "engine_version": "5.6.23",
   "instance_size": "huge"

There are three important pieces here. 1) its json. 2) apiVersion has the FQDN + versions.name for the thirdpartyresource. 3) kind = MysqlDb <CamelCaseKind>

Now we can curl the Kubernetes api and post this resource.

curl -d "{"metadata":{"name":"my-new-mysql-database"},"apiVersion":"prsn.io/stable/v1","kind":"MysqlDb","engine_version":"5.6.23","instance_size":"huge"}" https://kube_api_url


Now if you hit you kubernetes api endpoint you should see something like this:

  "paths": [

Our very own Kubernetes endpoint now in /apis/prsn.io/stable/v1.

And here is a resource under the mysql thirdpartyresource located at:

  "kind": "MysqlDb",
  "items": [
      "apiVersion": "prsn.io/stable/v1",
      "kind": "MysqlDb",
      "metadata": {
        "name": "my-new-mysql-db",
        "namespace": "default",
        "selfLink": "/apis/prsn.io/stable/v1/namespaces/default/mysqldbs/my-new-mysql-db"

If your mind isn’t blown by this point, move along, I’ve got nothin for ya.


Ok on to StackStorm.

Within StackStorm we have a Sensor that watches the Kubernetes api for a given third party resource. In this example, its looking for MysqlDb resources. From there it compares the list of MysqlDb resources against a list of mysql databases (rds in this case) that exist and determines what/if any actions it needs to perform. The great thing about this is StackStorm already has quite a number of what they call packs. Namely an AWS pack. So we didn’t have to do any of the heavy lifting on that end. All we had to do was hook in our python client for Kubernetes, write a little python to compare the two sets of data and trigger actions based off the result.

AWS/StackStorm Pack

It also has a local datastore so if you need to store key/value pairs for any length of time, that’s quite easy as well.

Take a look at the bottom of this page for operations against the StackStorm datastore.

We’ll post our python code as soon as it makes sense. And we’ll definitely create a pull request back to the StackStorm project.

Right now we are building the workflow to evaluate what actions to take. We’ll update this page as soon as its complete.


If you have questions or ideas on how else to use StackStorm and ThirdPartyResources, I would love to hear about them. We can all learn from each other.





Other beta stuff:

deployments – https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/blob/master/docs/proposals/deployment.md

horizontalpodautoscaler – https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/blob/release-1.1/docs/design/horizontal-pod-autoscaler.md

ingress – http://kubernetes.io/v1.1/docs/user-guide/ingress.html

Which to be fair I have talked about this in the blog about Load Balancing

jobs – https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/blob/release-1.1/docs/user-guide/jobs.md



No part of this blog is sponsored or paid for by anyone other than the author.