Vault in Kubernetes

First off thanks to Martin for taking this from a POC to a product within Kubernetes.

When it comes to managing secrets inside Kubernetes, Vault is our go to solution. It is not exposed externally at this time although we have considered it for external workloads. We are working with it in a couple areas including dynamic secrets and have intentions of using it with OTP, SSH, MFA and SSL cert rotation in the near future.

We spin Vault up as a part of our default cluster build, use consul as its storage backend, automatically unseal the vault and ship the keys off to admins.

Reference Deploying Consul in Kubernetes for more information there.

First off lets start with the Dockerfile. This is a pretty standard Dockerfile. Nothing crazy here.

FROM alpine:latest
MAINTAINER Martin Devlin <>


COPY config.json /etc/vault/config.json

RUN apk --update add openssl zip\
&& mkdir -p /etc/vault/ssl \
&& wget${VAULT_VERSION}/vault_${VAULT_VERSION} \
&& unzip vault_${VAULT_VERSION} \
&& mv vault /usr/local/bin/ \
&& rm -f vault_${VAULT_VERSION}


COPY / /usr/bin/
RUN chmod +x /usr/bin/

ENTRYPOINT ["/usr/bin/"]
CMD []


But now lets take a look at This is where the magic happens.


if [ ! -z ${VAULT_SERVICE_PORT} ]; then
  export VAULT_PORT=7392

if [ ! -z ${CONSUL_SERVICE_HOST} ]; then

if [ ! -z ${CONSUL_SERVICE_PORT} ]; then
  export CONSUL_PORT=8500

openssl req -x509 -newkey rsa:1024 -nodes -keyout /etc/vault/ssl/some-vault-key.key -out /etc/vault/ssl/some-vault-crt.crt -days some_number_of_days -subj "/CN=some-vault-cn-or-other" 

  export VAULT_IP=`hostname -i`

sed -i "s,%%CONSUL_SERVICE_HOST%%,$CONSUL_SERVICE_HOST," /etc/vault/config.json
sed -i "s,%%CONSUL_PORT%%,$CONSUL_PORT,"                 /etc/vault/config.json
sed -i "s,%%VAULT_IP%%,$VAULT_IP,"                       /etc/vault/config.json
sed -i "s,%%VAULT_PORT%%,$VAULT_PORT,"                   /etc/vault/config.json

## Master stuff

master() {

  vault server -config=/etc/vault/config.json $@ &

  if [ ! -f ~/vault_keys.txt ]; then

    export VAULT_SKIP_VERIFY=true
    export VAULT_ADDR="https://${VAULT_IP}:${VAULT_PORT}"

    vault init -address=${VAULT_ADDR} > ~/vault_keys.txt

    export VAULT_TOKEN=`grep 'Initial Root Token:' ~/vault_keys.txt | awk '{print $NF}'`
    vault unseal `grep 'Key 1:' ~/vault_keys.txt | awk '{print $NF}'`
    vault unseal `grep 'Key 2:' ~/vault_keys.txt | awk '{print $NF}'`
    vault unseal `grep 'Key 3:' ~/vault_keys.txt | awk '{print $NF}'`
    vault unseal `grep 'Key 4:' ~/vault_keys.txt | awk '{print $NF}'`
    vault unseal `grep 'Key 5:' ~/vault_keys.txt | awk '{print $NF}'`
    vault unseal `grep 'Key 6:' ~/vault_keys.txt | awk '{print $NF}'`
    vault unseal `grep 'Key 7:' ~/vault_keys.txt | awk '{print $NF}'`
    vault unseal `grep 'Key 8:' ~/vault_keys.txt | awk '{print $NF}'`
    vault unseal `grep 'Key another_key:' ~/vault_keys.txt | awk '{print $NF}'`



case "$1" in
  master)           master $@;;
  *)                exec vault server -config=/etc/vault/config.json $@;;

### Exec sending keys to admins
exec /tmp/

sleep 600

Above we do a few important things:

  1. We use environment variables from within the container to set configs in config.json
  2. We generate an x509 cert
  3. We unseal the vault with some sed magic
  4. We run to send off the keys and remove the vault_keys.txt file. The shipit script has information on admins we dynamically created to send keys to.


Here is what config.json looks like. Nothing major. A basic Vault config.json.

### Vault config

backend "consul" {
 path = "vault"
 advertise_addr = "https://%%VAULT_IP%%:%%VAULT_PORT%%"

listener "tcp" {
 address = "%%VAULT_IP%%:%%VAULT_PORT%%"
 tls_key_file = "/etc/vault/ssl/some-key.key"
 tls_cert_file = "/etc/vault/ssl/some-crt.crt"

disable_mlock = true


Kubernetes Config for Vault. We deploy a service accessible internally to the cluster with proper credentials. And we create a replication controller to ensure a Vault container is always up.

apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: vault
  namespace: your_namespace
    name: vault-svc
    - name: vaultport
      port: 8200
    app: vault
apiVersion: v1
kind: ReplicationController
  name: vault
  namespace: your-namespace
  replicas: 1
    app: vault
        app: vault
        - name: vault
          image: 'private_repo_url:5000/vault:latest'
          imagePullPolicy: Always
            - containerPort: 8200
              name: vaultport


Once Vault is up and running we insert a myriad of policies by which Vault can use to for various secret and auth backends. For obvious reasons I won’t be showing those.




Note: Some data in code above intentionally changed for security reasons.



Deploying Consul in Kubernetes

Deploying many distributed clustering technologies in Kubernetes can require some finesse. Not so with Consul. It dead simple.

We deploy Consul with Terraform as a part of our Kubernetes cluster deployment strategy. You can read more about it here.

We currently deploy Consul as a 3 node cluster with 2 Kubernetes configuration files. Technically we could narrow it down to one but we tend to keep our service configs separate.

  • consul-svc.yaml – to create a service for other applications to interact with
  • consul.yaml – to create consul servers in a replication controller

When we bring up a new Kubernetes cluster, we push a bunch of files to Amazon S3. Along with those files are the two listed above. The Kubernetes Master pulls these files down from S3 and places them along with others in /etc/kubernetes/addons/ directory. We then execute everything in /etc/kubernetes/addons in a for loop using kubectl create -f.

Lets take a look at consul-svc.yaml

apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: svc-consul
  namespace: kube-system
    name: consul-svc
    # the port that this service should serve on
    - name: http
      port: 8500
    - name: rpc
      port: 8400
    - name: serflan
      port: 8301
    - name: serfwan
      port: 8302
    - name: server
      port: 8300
    - name: consuldns
      port: 8600
  # label keys and values that must match in order to receive traffic for this service
    app: consul


Nothing special about consul-svc.yaml. Just a generic service config file.

So what about consul.yaml

apiVersion: v1
kind: ReplicationController
  namespace: kube-system
  name: consul
  replicas: 3
    app: consul
        app: consul
        - name: consul
          command: [ "/bin/start", "-server", "-bootstrap-expect", "3", "-atlas", "account_user_name/consul", "-atlas-join", "-atlas-token", "%%ATLAS_TOKEN%%" ]
          image: progrium/consul:latest
          imagePullPolicy: Always
          - containerPort: 8500
            name: ui-port
          - containerPort: 8400
            name: alt-port
          - containerPort: 53
            name: udp-port
          - containerPort: 443
            name: https-port
          - containerPort: 8080
            name: http-port
          - containerPort: 8301
            name: serflan
          - containerPort: 8302
            name: serfwan
          - containerPort: 8600
            name: consuldns
          - containerPort: 8300
            name: server


Of all this code, there is one important line.

 command: [ "/bin/start", "-server", "-bootstrap-expect", "3", "-atlas", "account_user_name/consul", "-atlas-join", "-atlas-token", "%%ATLAS_TOKEN%%" ]

-bootstrap-expect – sets the number of consul servers that need to join before bootstrapping

-atlas – enables atlas integration

-atlas-join – enables auto-join

-atlas-token – sets a token you can get from your Atlas account.

Note: make sure to replace ‘account_user_name’ with your atlas account user name.

Getting an atlas account for this purpose is free so don’t hesitate but make sure you realize, the token you generate should be highly highly secure.

So go sign up for an account. Once done click on your username in the upper right hand corner then click ‘Tokens’.

You’ll see something like this:

Screen Shot 2016-01-15 at 5.21.09 PM

Generate a token with a description and use this token in %%ATLAS_TOKEN%% in the consul.yaml above.

In order to populate the Token at run time, we execute a small for loop to perform a sed replace before running ‘kubectl create -f’ on the yamls.


	for f in ${dest}/*.yaml ; do

		# Consul template
	# Deprecated we no longer use CONSUL_SERVICE_IP
	# sed -i "s,%%CONSUL_SERVICE_IP%%,${CONSUL_SERVICE_IP}," $f
		sed -i "s,%%ATLAS_TOKEN%%,${ATLAS_TOKEN}," $f



The two variables listed above get derived from a resource “template_file” in Terraform.

Note: I’ve left out volume mounts from the config. Needless to say, we create volume mounts to a default location and back those up to S3.

Good Luck and let me know if you have questions.



Upgraded Nginx-controller for Kubernetes

From my friend Simas. The ever reclusive genius behind the curtains. I’m beginning to feel like I might be repeating myself quite often if he keeps up this pace. I might also have to get my own ass to work so I have something to show.

For those that don’t know, the nginx-controller is basically an alpha external load balancer for Kubernetes that listens on a specified port(s) and routes traffic to applications in Kubernetes. You can read more about that in my post Load Balancing in Kubernetes.

So we’ve come out with an update to the original nginx-controller located (here).

The original nginx-controller was an excellent start so we chose to push the ball forward a little bit. Please understand this has not been thoroughly tested outside our team but we would love your feedback so feel free to have at it.

Here is pretty much the entirety of the code that was added. It creates a map and iterates over it to populate the nginx.conf file.

		knownHosts := make(map[string]extensions.Ingress)
		// we need a loop to see deselect all duplicate entries
		for _, item := range ingresses.Items {
			for _, rule := range item.Spec.Rules {
				if v, ok := knownHosts[rule.Host]; ok {
					knownTS := v.ObjectMeta.CreationTimestamp
					newTS := item.ObjectMeta.CreationTimestamp
					if newTS.Before(knownTS) {
						knownHosts[rule.Host] = item
				} else {
					knownHosts[rule.Host] = item


Here is the link to the Github where the code is located. Feel free to try it out.




envconsul and Docker ….. soo long config files

As Docker continues to grow in popularity there are quite a few things that become readily apparent. Fortunately I’m only going to address one of them. Enter envconsul to retrieve application config data at run time.

This post assumes you already have a running Consul server with some data you wish to retrieve.

envconsul was written by Hashicorp, a great company that I personally respect. In everything I’ve touched made by this great little company, I’ve yet to be disappointed. Their applications are rock solid.

Github Link:


envconsul utilizes a key/value stored called Consul to retrieve configuration data and present them as environment variables to the application at runtime. This concept offers up a lot of opportunity around dynamic configuration, centralized configuration management and security because there aren’t free text usernames and passwords hanging around the file system. Not that any respectable company would ever do that right? No way. Never. Ok maybe it kinda happens almost always. With envconsul, we can solve that.


Build envconsul:

Currently there is no package in the general package managers for envconsul so I like to pull the repo, make the binary and copy it into /usr/bin which places the binary in the path and makes it immediately executable.

git clone
cd envconsul

If you decide you like envconsul, bake it right into your vm or container and you’ll always have it available.


Create a envconsul.cnf file:

Basically this file tells envconsul where the consul server exists.

consul = ""
timeout = "5s"


Add it to your Dockerfile:

I mentioned this had to do with Docker right? Well in the Dockerfile when you build your images you can bake envconsul right into to run command with something like the following:

CMD /usr/sbin/apache2ctl -k start && envconsul -config=/etc/envconsul.cnf -sanitize=false -upcase=false myblog env /usr/local/tomcat/bin/ run

Let’s imagine I have an Tomcat container with Apache Web Server running in front of it. In the command above I’m starting apache and then executing envconsul to call the consul server.
So what have I really done here?

I’ve set sanitize to false otherwise envconsul will replace “invalid” characters as underscores
I’ve referenced the envconsul.cnf with -config
I’ve set upcase to false cause being a Linux nut, I know some devs like to ingest environment variables that aren’t just uppercase
I’ve specified the key myblog to get data back from consul
I’ve added env so envconsul presents the results from consul as environment variables to


One thing I love about envconsul is when it provides the environment variables to the application, it is ONLY to the application. Logging in as root and running printenv won’t even provide the variables envconsul presents to the application.


This has been a very basic “get it up and running” scenario around envconsul. There are other things to explore like ssl, authentication and consul API Tokens so head over to the Github page dig in.


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