StackStorm for Kubernetes just took a giant leap forward (beta)


came up with it one morning around 4am while trying to get the baby to sleep.

i’m pretty proud. mostly because it works 😉

 – Andy Moore


As many of you know, my team began integrating StackStorm with Kubernetes via ThirdPartyResources(TPR) which we showed off at KubeCon_London in March 2016. This was a great start to our integrations with Kubernetes and allowed us to expand our capabilities around managing datastores simply by posting a TPR to the Kubernetes API. Allowing StackStorm to build/deploy/manage our database clusters automatically.

This however only worked with ThirdPartyResources. In fact, it only worked with the ‘beta’ TPRs which were significantly revamped before making it into GA.

With that Andy Moore figured out how to automatically generate a StackStorm pack crammed full of exciting new capabilities for both StackStorm Sensors and Actions.


You will notice this has not been committed back upstream to StackStorm yet. Our latest version diverges significantly from the original pack we pushed and we need to work with the StackStorm team for the best approach to move forward.

@stackstorm if you want to help us out with this, we would be very appreciative.


The list of new capabilities for Kubernetes is simply astounding. Here are just a few:

Batch Jobs

Imagine being able to configure network policies through an automated StackStorm workflow based on a particular projects needs.

Think about how RBAC could be managed using our Kubernetes Authz Webhook through StackStorm.

Or how about kicking of Kubernetes Jobs to Administer some cluster level cleanup activity but handing that off to your NOC.

Or allowing your Operations team to patch a HorizontalPodAutoscaler through a UI.

We could build a metadata framework derived from the Kubernetes API annotations/labels for governance.

The possibilities are now literally endless. Mad props go out to Andy Moore for all his work in this endeavor.


Ok so why am I listing this as beta?

There is a freak ton of capabilities in our new st2 pack that we haven’t finished testing. So if you are adventurous, want to play with something new and can help us, we would love your feedback.

Thus far our testing has included the following:





Physical Volumes

Replication Controllers


Service Accounts




Hope you get as excited about this as we are. We now have a way to rapidly integrate Kubernetes with ….. well …… everything else.



Note: As soon as we have cleaned up a few things with the generator for this pack, we’ll open source it to the community.


Past Blogs around this topic:




Kubernetes, StackStorm and third party resources – Part 2



Kubernetes – ServiceAccounts

serviceAccounts are a relatively unknown entity within Kubernetes. Everyone has heard of them, everyone has likely added them to –admission-control on the ApiServer but few have actually configured or used them. Being guilty of this myself for quite some time I figured I would give a brief idea on why they are important and how they can be used.

serviceAccounts are for any process running inside a pod that needs access the Kubernetes API OR to a secret. Is it mandatory to access a Kubernetes Secret? No. Is it recommended, you bet. Not having serviceAccounts active through –admission-control can also leave a big gaping security hole in your platform. So make sure its active.

Here is the high-level-

  1. serviceAccounts are tied to Namespaces.
  2. Kubernetes Secrets can be tied to serviceAccounts and thus limited to specific NameSpaces.
  3. If non are specified, a ‘default’ with relatively limited access will be supplied on NameSpace create.
  4. Policies can be placed on serviceAccounts to add/remove API access.
  5. serviceAccounts can be specified during Pod or RC creation.
  6. In order to change the serviceAccount for a Pod, a restart of the Pod is necessary.
  7. serviceAccount must be created prior to use in a Pod.
  8. serviceAccount Tokens are used to allow a serviceAccounts to access a Kubernetes Secret.
  9. Using ImagePullSecrets for various Container Registries can be done with serviceAccounts.


Creating a custom serviceAccount is dead simple. Below is a yaml file to do so.

apiVersion: v1
kind: ServiceAccount
  name: pulse


And creating a policy for a serviceAccount isn’t too bad either.

(NOTE: must have –authorization-mode=ABAC set for Authorization plugin)

Screen Shot 2016-04-15 at 7.52.44 PM


Now we have a serviceAccount named Pulse and we’ve applied a policy that allows Kube API ReadOnly access to view events related to the Pulse Namespace.

Now lets associate a Secret with this Pulse serviceAccount.

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: pulse-secret
  annotations: pulse
type: Opaque
  password: eUiXZDFIOPU2ErTmCg==
  username: my_special_user_name

Ok now we have a Secret that is only accessible from a process running in the Pulse namespace that is using the pulse serviceAccount.

Name:   pulse-secret
Namespace:  pulse


ca.crt: 1452 bytes
token: some_token_for_pulse_serviceaccount

Which brings me to my next point. You can have multiple serviceAccounts per Namespace. This means granularity in what processes you allow access to various pieces of the Kubernetes API AND what processes WITHIN a namespace you want to have access to a Secret.

In closing, serviceAccounts can be granular, they can limit access to Secrets, when combined with abac policies they can provide specific access to the Kube API and they are fairly easy to use and consume.