My exit from a great gig

Today is my last day as a Principal Cloud Platform Architect at Pearson. Over the last few weeks I’ve had a bit of a retrospect on my time at Pearson. Our accomplishments, our failures, our team and all the opportunity it has created. I’m amazed how far we have come. I’m thankful for the opportunity and the freedom to reach beyond what many thought possible.

I left nothing on the table. I gave it all I had.

But one question still stands.

What IS Bitesize?

Bitesize is a platform purpose built for the future of Pearson.

Its a combination of interwoven technologies and application development methodologies that has resulted in advancements far beyond what any cloud provider can currently attain.

Its a team of engineers that believe, support and challenge themselves and others both in and outside the team.

Its a group of leaders that believe in their team and are willing to stick their neck out for what’s right.

Its a philosophy of change.

Its an evolving set of standards that increase fidelity of these interwoven pieces.

Bitesize is the convergence of disparate teams to make something greater than it could individually.

Its a treadmill of technology.


As I began thinking about what has been accomplished I decided to write down a few. I know I will leave many unsaid but hopefully this will give a view into just how much has been accomplished. Many may see this list and think one of two things: “That’s total bullshit, no way they did all that” or better yet “Ok I buy it, but have you reached nirvana?”

My answer to the former – “test your bullshit meter, its a bit off”

My answer to the latter – “as soon as one reaches a star, they realize how many other stars they want to reach”


A few achievements to date:

Fully automated platform and application upgrades

Completely scalable CI/CD pipeline treated as cattle (i.e. if they go away they self configure when they come back up)

Built-in log and data aggregation per Kubernetes namespace

Deep cloud provider integrations without lock-in

Fully automated database provisioning (containers and virtual machines)

Dynamic Certificate Management using Hashicorp Vault fully integrated with Load Balancers

100% availability for the platform and applications through critical business periods (to my knowledge this has not been achieved til now at Pearson)

Dynamic Application Configuration

Immutable Application architecture

OAuth into the platform and various infrastructure components

Universal API for single point of use

Audit Control and Compliance throughout the stack

Baked in Enterprise Governance

Highly secure, full BGP mesh cross geographic regions, capable of standing up new endpoints < 10 seconds

8.5 Million concurrent (and I do mean concurrent) user performance test, 150-250ms avg response

Enterprise Chargeback model

Dynamic CIDR provisioning (NSOT) for AWS and Kubernetes

Open Sourced Authz webhook resulting in its adoption by CoreOS

Automated generation of StackStorm AWS packs

Contributed StackStorm Kubernetes Pack to StackStorm Exchange

Contributing next generation (over 106 new packs) of StackStorm AWS Packs to StackStorm Exchange (currently in incubator)

Open Sourced many new technologies including Environment Operator, StackStorm Packs, Kong plugins, Kubernetes Test Harness, Nginx Controller, Jenkins plugin for Environment Operator, and CI/CD pipeline

On-Demand Locust (Perf testing suite) on Kubernetes using Iron Functions , deployed < 10 seconds

Integrated Monitoring/Alerting throughout the stack

Self-onboarding of applications through to production with little or no assistance from the Bitesize team

Congrats team. You’ve got this.

Kubernetes, StackStorm and third party resources – Part 2

Alright, finally ready to talk about some StackStorm in depth. In the first part of this post I discussed some depth around Kubernetes Thirdpartyresource and how excited we are to use them. If you haven’t read it I would go back and start there. I however breezed over the Event Drive Automation piece (IFTTT) involving StackStorm. I did this for two reasons: 1) I was terribly embarrassed by the code I had written and 2) It wasn’t anywhere near where it should be in order for people to play with it.

Now that we have a submittal to StackStorm st2contrib, I’m going to open this up to others. Granted its not in its final form. In fact there is a TON left to do but its working and we decided to get the community involved should you be interested.

But first lets answer the question that is probably weighing on many peoples mind. Why StackStorm? There are many other event driven automation systems. The quick answer is they quite simply won us over. But because I like bullet points. Here are a few:

  1. None of the competition were in a position to work with, support or develop a community around IFTTT integration with Kubernetes.
  2. StackStorm is an open frame work that you and I can contribute back to.
  3. Its built on OpenStack’s Mistral Workflow engine so while this is a startup like company, the foundation of what they are doing has been around for quite some time.
  4. Stable
  5. Open Source code base. (caveat: there are some components that are enterprise add-ons that are not)
  6. Damn their support is good. Let me just say, we are NOT enterprise customers of StackStorm and I personally haven’t had better support in my entire career. Their community slack channel is awesome. Their people are awesome. Major props on this. At risk of being accused of getting a kick-back, I’m a groupie, a fanboy. If leadership changes this (I’m looking at you Mr. Powell), I’m leaving. This is by far and away their single greatest asset. Don’t get me wrong, the tech is amazing but the people got us hooked.

For the record, I have zero affiliation with StackStorm. I just think they have something great going on.


As I mentioned in the first post, our first goal was to automate deployment of AWS RDS databases from the Kubernetes framework. We wanted to accomplish this because then we could provide a seamless way for our dev teams to deploy their own database with a Kubernetes config based on thirdpartyresource (currently in beta).

Here is a diagram of the magic:

Screen Shot 2016-02-13 at 5.48.07 PM

Alright here is what’s happening.

  1. We have a StackStorm Sensor watching the Kubernetes API endpoint at /apis/extensions/v1beta1/watch/thirdpartyresources for events.
  2. When a new event happens, the sensor picks it up and kicks off a trigger. Think of a trigger like a broadcast message within StackStorm.
  3. Rules listen to trigger types that I think of as channels. Kind of like a channel on the telly. A rule based on some criteria, decides whether or not to act on any given event. It either chooses to drop the event or to take action on it. rds_create_db.yaml
  4. An action-chain then performs a series of actions. Those actions can either fail or succeed and additional actions happen based on the result of the last. db_create_chain.yaml
    1. db_rds_spec munges the data of the event. Turns it into usable information.
    2. from there rds_create_database reaches out to AWS and creates an RDS database.
    3. And finally configuration information and secrets are passed back to Consul and Vault for use by the application(s) within Kubernetes. Notice how the action for Vault and Consul are grey. Its because its not done yet. We are working on it this sprint.

Link to the StackStorm Kubernetes Pack. Take a look at the Readme for information on how to get started.

Obviously this is just a start. We’ve literally just done one thing in creating a database but the possibilities are endless for integrations with Kubernetes.

I mentioned earlier the StackStorm guys are great. And I want to call a couple of them out. Manas Kelshikar, Lakshmi Kannan and Patrick Hoolboom. There are several others that have helped along the way but these three helped get this initial pack together.

The initial pack has been submitted as a pull request to StackStorm for acceptance into st2contrib. Once the pull request has been accepted to st2contrib, I would love it if more people in the Kubernetes community got involved and started contributing as well.

